प्रजापति एवं कुमावत – एक परिचय


 शब्‍द की उत्‍पति एवं अर्थ
कुम्‍भ का निर्माण करने के कारण इसके निर्माता काे कुम्‍भकार कहा गया। प्राचीन इतिहास में कुलाल शब्‍द का प्रयोग किया गया है।
अलग अलग क्षेत्र में अलग अलग भाषा होने के कारण इसका उच्‍चारण समय के साथ अलग होता गया। जैसे मराठी क्षेत्र में कुम्‍भारे पश्चिमी क्षेत्र में कुम्‍भार राजस्‍थान में कुमार तो पश्चिमी राजस्‍थान में कुम्‍भार कुम्‍बार पंजाब हरियाणा के सटे क्षेत्र में गुमार। अमृतसर के कुम्हारों को “कुलाल” या “कलाल” कहा जाता है , यह शब्द यजुर्वेद मे कुम्हार वर्ग के लिए प्रयुक्त हुये है।
कुम्हारों के पारंपरिक मिट्टी से बर्तन बनाने की रचनात्मक कला को सम्मान देने हेतु उन्हे प्रजापति कहा गया। जिस प्रकार ब्रह्मा पंच तत्‍वों इस नश्‍वर सृष्टि की रचना करते है उसी प्रकार से कुम्‍भार भी मिट्टी के कणों से कई आकर्षक मूर्तियां खिलौने बर्तन आदि का सृजन करता है इस‍ीलिए इस जाति प्रजापति की उपमा दी गयी।
ये भी माना जाता है कि मनुष्‍यों मे शिल्‍प और अभियांत्रिकी की शुरूआत इसी जाति से हुई है।
विभिन्‍न तरह की मिट्टी के गारे के  निर्माण के प्रयोग करते समय ही चूने और खड़ी के प्रयोग का पता चला। इसी चूने खड़ी से चुनाई और भवन निर्माण का कार्य करने वाले चेजारे कहलाते है। ये भी इसी जाति से अधिकतर है।
कुमावत शब्‍द
राजस्‍थान में कुछ कुमारों/कुम्‍भारों ने कुमरावत शब्‍द का प्रयोग किया जो बाद में कुमावत में तब्‍दील हो गया।

इसको समझने के लिये भाषा विज्ञान पर नजर डाले-

कुमावत शब्‍द की स‍न्धि विच्‍छेद करने पर पता चलता है ये शब्‍द कुमा + वत से बना है। यहां वत शब्‍द वत्‍स से बना है । वत्‍स का अर्थ होता है पुत्र या पुत्रवत शिष्‍य अर्थात अनुयायी। इसके लिये हम अन्‍य शब्‍दों पर विचार करते है-
निम्‍बावत अर्थात निम्‍बार्काचार्य के शिष्‍य
रामावत अर्थात रामानन्‍दाचार्य के शिष्‍य
शेखावत अर्थात शेखा जी के वंशज
लखावत अर्थात लाखा जी के वंशज
रांकावत अर्थात  रांका जी के शिष्‍य या अनुयायी
इसी प्रकार कुमरावत/कुमावत का भी अर्थ होता है कुम्‍हार के वत्‍स या अनुयायी


कुछ लोग अपने मन से कु+मा+वत  जैसे मन माने ढंग से सन्धि विच्‍छेद करते है और मनमाने अर्थ देते है जो कि व्‍याकरण सम्‍मत नहीं है और हास्‍यास्‍पद है।



कई बन्‍धु प्रश्‍न करते है कि कुम्‍हार शब्‍द था फिर कुमावत शब्‍द का प्रयोग क्‍यों शुरू हुआ। उसके पीछे मूल कारण यही है कि सामान्‍यतया पूरा समाज पिछड़ा रहा है और जब कोई बन्‍धु तरक्‍की कर आगे बढा तो उसने स्‍वयं को अलग दर्शाने के लिये इस शब्‍द का प्रयोग शुरू किया। और अब यह व्‍यापक पैमाने में प्रयोग होता है। वैसे इतिहास में कुमावत शब्‍द का प्रयोग जयपुर के स्‍थापना (1728 ई) के समय से मिलता है। जयपुर शहर राजस्‍थान के समस्‍त शहरों में अपेक्षाकृत नया है।



कई बन्‍धु यह भी कहते है कि इतिहास में कुमावतों का युद्ध में भाग लेने का उल्‍लेख है। तो उन बन्‍धुओ को याद दिलाना चाहुंगा कि युद्ध में सभी जातियों की थोड़ी बहुत भागीदारी अवश्‍य होती थी और वे आवश्‍यकता होने पर अपना पराक्रम दिखा भी देते थे। युद्ध में कोई सैनिकों की सहायता करने वाले होते थे तो कोई दुदुभी बजाते कोई गीत गाते कोई हथियार पैने करते तो कोई भोजन बनाते। महाराणा प्रताप ने तो अपनी सेना में भीलों की भी भर्ती की थी। ये भी संभव है कि इस प्रकार युद्ध में भाग लेने वाले समाज बन्‍धु ने कुमावत शब्‍द का प्रयोग शुरू किया।



कुछ बन्‍धु यह भी कहते है कि इतिहास में पुरानी जागीरों का वर्णन होता है अत: वे राजपूत के वंशज है या क्षत्रिय है। तो उन बन्‍धुओं का बताना चाहुंगा की जागीर देना या ना देना राजा पर निर्भर करता था। जोधपुर में मेहरानगढ के दुर्ग के निर्माण के समय दुर्ग ढह जाता तो ये उपाय बताया गया कि किसी जीवित व्‍यक्ति द्वारा नींव मे समाधि लिये जाने पर ये अभिशाप दूर होगा। तब पूरे राज्‍य में उद्घोषणा करवाई गई कि जो व्‍यक्ति अपनी जीवित समाधि देगा उसके वंशजों को जागीर दी जाएगी। तब केवल एक गरीब व्‍यक्ति आगे आया उसका नाम राजाराम मेघवाल था। तब महाराजा ने उसके परिवार जनों को एक जागीर दी तथा उसके नाम से एक समाधि स्‍थान (थान) किले में आज भी मौजूद है। चारणों को भी उनकी काव्‍य गीतों की रचनाओं से प्रसन्‍न हो खूब जागीरे दी गयी। अत: जागीर होना या थान या समाधी होना इस बात का प्रमाण नहीं है कि वे राजपूत के वंशज थे। और क्षत्रिय वर्ण बहुत वृहद है राजपूत तो उनके अंग मात्र है। कुम्‍हार युद्ध में भाग लेने के कारण क्षत्रिय कहला सकता है पर राजपूत नहीं। राजपूत तो व्‍यक्ति तभी कहलाता है जब वह किसी राजा की संतति हो। क्षत्रिय होने के लिए राजा का वंशज होना जरूरी नहीं होता कर्म से व्‍यक्ति क्षत्रिय वैश्‍य या शुद्र होता है।  कुम्‍हार/कुमार शिल्‍प कार्य करने के कारण वैश्‍य वर्ण में आता है। कुछ क्षत्रिय कर्म करते थे तो स्‍वयं को क्षत्रिय भी कहते है।
भाट और रावाें ने अपनी बहियों में अलग अलग कहानीयों के माध्‍यम से लगभग सभी जातियों को राजपूतों से जोडा है ताकि उन्‍हे परम दानी राजा के वंशज बता अधिक से अधिक दान दक्षिणा ले सके।
लेकिन कुमावत और कुम्‍हारों को इस बात पर ध्‍यान देना चाहिए कि राजपूतो में ऐसी गोत्र नहीं होती जैसी उनकी है और जिस प्रकार कुमावत का रिश्‍ता कुमावत में होता है वैसे किसी राजपूत वंश में नहीं होता। अत: उनको भाट और रावों की झूठी बातों पर ध्‍यान नहीं देना चाहिए।  राजपूतों मे कुम्‍भा नाम से कई राजा हुए है अत: हो सकता है उनके वंशज भी कुमावत लगाते रहे हो। पर अब कुम्‍हारों को कुमावत लगाते देख वे अपना मूल वंश जैसे सिसोदिया या राठौड़ या पंवार लगाना शुरू कर दिया होगा और वे रिश्‍ते भी अपने वंश के ही कुमावत से ना कर कच्‍छवाहो परिहारो से करते होंगे।
कुछ बन्‍धु ये भी तर्क देते है कि हम बर्तन मटके नहीं बनाते और इनको बनाने वालों से उनका कोई संबंध कभी नहीं रहा। उन बंधुओ को कहते है कि आपके पुराने खेत और मकान जायदाद मे तो कुम्‍हार कुमार कुम्‍भार लिखा है तो वे तर्क देते  है  कि वे अज्ञानतावश खुद को कुम्‍हार कहते थे। यहां ये लोग भूल जाते है कि हमारे पूर्वज राव और भाट के हमारी तुलना में ज्‍यादा प्रत्‍यक्ष सम्‍पर्क में रहते थे। अगर भाट कहते कि आप कुमावत हो तो वे कुमावत लगाते। और कुमावत शब्‍द का कुम्‍हारों द्वारा प्रयो्ग ज्‍यादा पुराना नहीं है। वर्तमान जयपुर की स्‍थापना के समय से ही प्रचलन में आया है और धीरे धीरे पूरे राजस्‍थान में कुम्‍हारों के मध्‍य लोकप्रिय हो रहा है। और रही बात मटके बनाने की तो हजार में से एक व्‍यक्ति ही मटका बनाता है। क्‍योंकि अगर सभी बनाते इतने बर्तन की खपत ही कहा होतीकम मांग के कारण कुम्‍हार जाति के लोग अन्‍य रोजगार अपनाते। कुछ खेती करते कुछ भवन निर्माण करते कुछ पशुचराते कुछ बनजारो की तरह व्‍यापार करते तो कुछ बर्तन और मिट्टी की वस्‍तुए बनातें। खेतीकर, चेजारा और जटिया कुमार क्रमश: खेती करने वाले, भवन निर्माण और पशु चराने और उन का कार्य करने वाले कुम्‍हार को कहा जाता था।
कुछ कहते है की मारू कुमार मतलब राजपूत। मारू मतलब राजपूत और कुमार मतलब राजकुमार।
– उनके लिये यह कहना है कि राजस्‍थान की संस्‍कृति पर कुछ पढे। बिना पढे ऐसी बाते ही मन मे उठेगी। मारू मतलब मरू प्रदेश वासी। मारेचा मारू शब्‍द का ही परिवर्तित रूप है जो मरूप्रदेश के सिंध से जुड़े क्षेत्र के लोगो के लिये प्रयुक्‍त होता है। और कुमार मतलब हिन्‍दी में राजकुमार होता है पर जिस भाषा और संस्‍कृति पर ध्‍यान दोगे तो वास्‍तविकता समझ आयेगी। यहां की भाष्‍ाा में उच्‍चारण अलग अलग है। यहां हर बारह कोस बाद बोली बदलती है। राजस्‍थान मे ‘कुम्‍हार’ शब्‍द का उच्‍चारण कुम्‍हार कहीं नही होता। कुछ क्षेत्र में कुम्‍मार बोलते है और कुछ क्षेत्र में कुंभार अधिकतर कुमार ही बोलते है। दक्षिण्‍ा भारत में कुम्‍मारी, कुलाल शब्‍द कुम्‍हार जाति के लिये प्रयुक्‍त होता है।
प्रजापत और प्रजापति शब्‍द के अर्थ में कोई भेद नहीं। राजस्‍थानी भाषा में पति का उच्‍चारण पत के रूप में करते है। जैसे लखपति का लखपत, लक्ष्‍मीपति सिंघानिया का लक्ष्‍मीपत सिंघानिया। प्रजापति को राजस्‍थानी में प्रजापत कहते है। यह उपमा उसकी सृजनात्‍मक क्षमता देख कर दी गयी है। जिस प्रकार ब्रहृमा नश्‍वर सृष्‍टी की रचना करता है प्राणी का शरीर रज से बना है और वापस मिट्टि में विलीन हो जाता है वैसे है कुम्‍भकार मिट्टि के कणों से भिन्‍न भिन्‍न रचनाओं का सृजन करता है।
कुछ कहते है कि रहन सहन अलग अलग। और कुम्‍हार स्त्रियां नाक में आभूषण नही पहनती। तो इसके पीछे भी अलग अलग क्षेत्र के लोगो मे रहन सहन के स्‍तर में अन्‍तर होना ही मूल कारण है। राजस्‍थान में कुम्‍हार जाति इस प्रकार उपजातियों में विभाजित है-
मारू – अर्थात मरू प्रदेश के
खेतीकर – अर्थात ये साथ में अंश कालिक खेती करते थे। चेजारा भी इनमें से ही है जो अंशकालिक व्‍यवसाय के तौर पर भवन निर्माण करते थे। बारिस के मौसम में सभी जातियां खेती करती थी क्‍योंकि उस समय प्रति हेक्‍टेयर उत्‍पादन आज जितना नही होता था अत: लगभग सभी जातियां खेती करती थी। सर्दियों में मिट्टि की वस्‍तुए बनती थी। इनमें दारू मांस का सेवन नहीं होता था।
बांडा ये केवल बर्तन और मटके बनाने का व्‍यवसाय ही करते थे। ये मूलत: पश्चिमी राजस्‍थान के नहीं होकर गुजरात और वनवासी क्षेत्र से आये हुए कुम्‍हार थे। इनका रहन सहन भी मारू कुम्‍हार से अलग था। ये दारू मांस का सेवन भी करते थे।
पुरबिये – ये पूरब दिशा से आने वाले कुम्‍हारों को कहा जाता थ्‍ाा। जैसे हाड़ौती क्षेत्र के कुम्‍हार पश्चिमी क्षेत्र में आते तो इनको पुरबिया कहते। ये भी दारू मांस का सेवन करते थे।
जटिया- ये अंशकालिक व्‍यवसाय के तौर पर पशुपालन करते थे। ये पानी की अत्‍यंत कमी वाले क्षेत्र में रहते है वहां पानी और घास की कमी के  कारण गाय और भैंस की जगह बकरी और भेड़ पालते है। और बकरी और भेड़ के बालों की वस्‍तुए बनाते थे। इनका रहन सहन भी पशुपालन व्‍यवसाय करने के कारण थोड़ा अलग हो गया था हालांकि ये भी मारू ही थे। इनका पहनावा राइका की तरह होता था। बाड़मेर और जैसलमेर में पानी और घास की कमी के कारण वंहा गावं में राजपूत भी भेड़ बकरी के बड़े बड़े झुण्‍ड रखते है।
रहन सहन अलग होने के कारण और दारू मांस का सेवन करने के कारण मारू अर्थात स्‍थानीय कुम्‍हार बांडा और पुरबियों के साथ रिश्‍ता नहीं करते थे।
मारू कुम्‍हार दारू मांस का सेवन नहीं करती थी अत: इनका सामाजिक स्‍तर अन्‍य पिछड़ी जातियों से बहुत उंचा होता था। अगर कहीं बड़े स्‍तर पर भोजन बनाना होता तो ब्राहमण ना होने पर कुम्‍हार को ही वरीयता दी जाती थी। इसीलिए आज भी पश्चिमी राजस्‍थान में हलवाई का अधिकतर कार्य कुम्‍हार और ब्राहमण जाति ही करती है।
पूराने समय में आवगमन के साधन कम होने से केवल इतनी दूरी के गांव तक रिश्‍ता करते थे कि सुबह दुल्‍हन की विदाई हो और शाम को बारात वापिस अपने गांव पहुंच जाये। इसलिये 20 से 40 किलोमीटर की त्रिज्‍या के क्षेत्र को स्‍थानीय बोली मे पट्टी कहते थे। वे केवल अपनी पट्टी में ही रिश्‍ता करते थे। परन्‍तु आज आवागमन के उन्‍नत साधन विकसित होने से दूरी कोई मायने नहीं रखती।
कुछ बंधु हास्‍यास्‍पद कुतर्क भी करते है जैसे- कुम्‍हार कभी इतनी बड़ी तादाद में नहीं रहते की गांव के गांव बस जाये। जोधपुर शहर के पास ही गांव है नान्‍दड़ी। इसे नान्‍दीवाल गौत्र के कुम्‍हारो ने बसाया था। आज भी वहां बड़ी संख्‍या कुम्‍हारों की है। एक और गांव है झालामण्‍ड। वह भी कुम्‍हार बहुल आबादी का गांव है। ऐसे कई गांव है। पूर्वी राजस्‍थान में भी है। रूपबास भी ऐसा ही गांव है। ये ऐसा कुतर्क है जो केवल अनजान व्‍यक्ति ही दे सकता है जो कुपमण्‍डुक की तरह केवल एक जगह रहा हो। अौर कुम्‍हार जो मटके बनाते है वे कभी अकेले नहीं रहते। उनकी नियाव जहां मटके आग में पकाये जाते है, वहां सभी कुम्‍हारों के मटके साथ में पकते है और उस न्‍याव पर गांव का जागीरदार कर भी लगाता था।

कुमारो/कुम्‍भारों की जनसंख्‍या अधिक होने के कारण ज्‍यादातर ने कई पीढियों पूर्व अन्‍य व्‍यवसाय अपना लिया। कोई खेती करने लगे कोई चूने से चूनाई और भित्ति चित्र का निर्माण करते। वर्तमान में भी नये नये स्‍वरोजगार में लिप्‍त हैं।

अलग अलग क्षेत्रों में अलग अलग कथायें प्रचलित है। कहीं पर शिव पार्वति विवाह की घटना, कहीं पर राणा कुम्‍भा का स्‍थापत्‍य प्रेम, ताे कहीं पर संत कुबाजी को लेकर तो कहीं संत गरवाजी को लेकर कथायें प्रचलित है।

कुछ बन्‍धुओं का ये भी तर्क है कि हम दूसरें राज्‍य में सामान्‍य श्रेणी में आते है इसलिए क्षत्रिय है और कुम्‍हार चूंकि अन्‍य पिछड़ा वर्ग में आता है अत: हम अलग जाति के है। उन बन्‍धुओं को मेरा सुझाव है कि अन्‍य पिछड़ा वर्ग से संबंधित नियम पढे। ऐसा इसलिए होता है कि एक राज्‍य के अ.पि.व. दूसरे राज्‍य में जाने पर सामान्‍य श्रेणी में शामिल होते है। आप कभी दूसरे राज्‍य की भर्ती परीक्षा में केवल सामान्‍य श्रेणी में ही भाग ले सकते है। अब कुमावत शब्‍द की उत्‍पति राजस्‍थान में हुई है और राजस्‍थान से ही कुमावत लगाने वाले लोग देश के विभिन्‍न हिस्‍सों में जाकर बसे है। दूसरे राज्‍य के इतिहास में इस शब्‍द के बारे में ज्‍यादा कुछ उपलब्‍ध नहीं होने कारण और उनको स्‍थानीय ना मानकर राजस्‍थानी माना जाने के कारण अपिव श्रेणी में नहीं रखा गया। जब कि यहीं से जाकर अन्‍य राज्‍य में, जंहा कुम्‍हार प्रजापति शब्‍द प्रचलित है, बसने वाले लोग जाे स्‍वयं को कुम्‍हार कहते थे प्रशासनिक मिली भगत से स्‍वयं को स्‍थानीय बताकर अपिव श्रेणी का और जिस राज्‍य में अनुसूचित जाति में हैं वहां अनुसूचित जाति का प्रमाण पत्र बनवा लिया। हालांकि वंहा बस गये फिर भी वंहा के स्‍थानीय लोगो से रिश्‍ता नहीं करते।

कुछ बन्‍धु राजपूत महासभा की पुस्‍तक का हवाला देते हुए कहते है कि कुमावत कछवाहा राजपूत वंश की एक खाप है। जैसे नाथावत या खंगारोत। यहां में यही कहुंगा कि बिल्‍कुल कुमावत कछवाहा वंश की एक खाप हो सकती है लेकिन खाप होने पर कुमावत का रिश्‍ता कुमावत से ना होकर अन्‍य राजपूत वंश से होगा। जैसे किसी नाथावत का विवाह नाथावत से नहीं होता वैसे ही कुमावत का विवाह कुमावत से नहीं होगा। लेकिन जब कुमावत जाति हो तो कुमावत से रिश्‍ता हो सकता है अत: जो समाज बन्‍धु राजपूत समाज की पुस्‍तक का हवाला देते हैं उन्‍हे अपनी बुद्धि का थोड़ा इस्‍तेमाल करना चाहिए।

कुछ बन्‍धु मरदुशुमारी (जनगणना, census) का हवाला देते है। उनके लिये फिर यही कहना चाहुंगा कि जनगणना में वही आंकड़े होते है जो लोग देते है। अब तक पश्चिमी राजस्‍थान के लोग कुम्‍हार लिखवाते आये है और अगली गणना में कुमावत लिखवाते है तो वही लिखा जायेगा जो लिखवायेंगे। जनगणना में जैन पंथ के लोग धर्म हिन्‍दू लिखवाते आये है। इसलिये जनगणना से पूर्व जैन समाज के लोग कहते भी है कि जनगणना के समय धर्म जैन लिखवाना है हिन्‍दू नहीं। कुमावत शब्‍द का प्रचलन देखा देखी ही शुरू हुआ है। पहले 17 वी सदी में एक ने लगाया बाद में देखा देखी दूसरे भी लगाते गये। और अभी भी देखा देखी लगाते जा रहे है।


In Rajasthan, Kumhars (Also known as Prajapat) have six sub-groups namely Mathera, Kumavat, Kheteri, Marwara, Timria and Mawalia. They follow endogamy with clan exogamy.-Mandal, S. K. (1998). “Kumhar/Kumbhar”. In Singh, Kumar Suresh. People of India: Rajasthan. Popular Prakashan. pp. 565–566. ISBN 978-8-17154-769-2.

कुछ बंधु यह तर्क देते हैं कि मारू कुम्‍हारों में राजपूती नख होते है अत: जरूर राजपूतों से कनेक्‍शन है और उनका कहना है कि नखों के आधार पर भाटों की बात सही प्रतीत होती है कि हमारे पूर्वज राजपूत थे, किसी कारणवश उन्‍होने शिल्‍प कार्य कुम्‍भकला को अपनाया था। मेरा उन बंधुओं के लिये इतना ही कहना है कि कुम्‍हार कुमावत राजकुम्‍हार सभी शिल्‍पी जातियां है ना कि सेवा करने वाली जातियां, इनमें रिश्‍तें करते समय गोत्र ही देखी जाती रही है, और चार गौत्र ही टाली जाती रही है। सेवा करने वाली जातियां अपने राजा के वंश के अनुरूप स्‍वयं का वंश बताती है। अकाल दुर्भिक्ष के समय मेहनत मजदूरी जो भी मिले वो कार्य करने से व्‍यक्ति की जाति का स्‍वरूप नहीं बदलता, शिल्‍पी जातियां सेवा करने वाली जातियों मे तब्‍दील नहीं हो जाती। अत: मेरा बन्‍धुओं से विनम्र अनुरोध है कि राजपूती नख जैसी बातों को भूल कर स्‍वाभिमानी शिल्पियों की तरह केवल गोत्र ही बतायें। सेवा करने वाली जातियों के पास गोत्र नही होती केवल नख होता है।

मैने तथ्‍यों के आधार पर विश्‍लेषण किया है। किसी की भावनाओं के ठेस पहुंचाने का मेरा इरादा नहीं है। अगर किसी की भावना को ठेस पहुंची हो तो क्षमा करे।

समाज को कमजोर करने के लिये प्रयत्‍न हो रहे है, इसी केे विरोध में लिखा गया है। समाज में कई उपजातियां जरूर है जो क्षेत्र और रहन सहन के आधार पर बनी। पर ये सब उपजातियां है तो एक जाति की ही। अब इन उपजातियों को अलग अलग ज‍ााति के रूप बदलने का प्रयास किया जा रहा है ताकि समाज कभ्‍ाी राजनैतिक रूप से एक ना हो पाये। एेेसेे दुुष्  प्रयासो को रोकने के लिये ही ये पोस्‍ट लिखी है।



बगड़ावत गाथा में कुम्‍हार वीरों का उल्‍लेख

P-53, Nectar Gaze and Poison Breath, By Department of Religious Studies University of Canterbury Aditya Malik Co-Coordinator

kumhar king piloda1


शालिवाहन सातवाहन के बारे में

According to 1. Kalpa-Pradipa of Jina-Prabhasuri, 2. Rajashekhara’s Prabandha-Kosha and 3.Salivahana-Charitra (a Marathi language work)

Satavahana was the child of the Nāga (serpent) chief Shesha and a Brahmin widow, who lived in the house of a potter. His name “Satavahana” was derived from the words satani (give) and vahana (means of transport), because he used to make elephants, horses and other means of transport using clay, and gift them to other children. One day, Vikramaditya perceived omens that his future killer had been born. He sent his vetala to find out the child, and the vetala traced Satavahana in Pratishthana. Vikramaditya then led an army to Pratishthana. With help of Nāga magic, Satavahana converted his clay figures of horses, elephants and soldiers into a real army. He defeated Vikramaditya, who fled to Ujjain. He then introduced his own era, and became a Jain.

kalppradip -Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bombay, Volume 10-1

books shaliwahan kalp1

with courtesy – from Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bombay, Volume 10




The Kumhars are a Northern Indian ethnic tribe that inhabits the Punjab, also related to Brahma god

In Old Era & Modern Era Period in Punjab Sikh Kumhar Professions were Ceramics Workers, Glass Product Workers, Water Supply Workers

History of Sikh Kumhars

Sikh Kumhars are more commonly referred to as Prajapatis because of their reverence for the famous Misl leader, Krora Singh Panjgarhia (1741-1878), who was a Kumhar.

Notable Kumhar Politicians and Miscs

Jasbir Singh Lidder, Gurbax Singh Malhi, Asa Singh Mastana, Alaap Group

Kumhar Clans

Behgal, Baiwal, Channi, Chandla, Chandrani, Chhapola, Chind, Dehmiwal, Doal, Dubb, Ghadiyal, Gohal, Guleria, Guliyaan, Ghurail, Guleria, Hathretia, Jalbi, Jariyal, Ladwa, Karari, Kashav, Khambh, Khiva, Kubbe, Kumhar, Langdi, Lehra, Lehri, Lidder, Lola, Mahar, Malhi, Mastana, Nokhwal, Panjgarhia, Pansotra, Prajapati, Ranolia, Sattani, Sokhal,

With courtesy- from  https://www.sikhiwiki.org/index.php/Kumhar

Bhai Himmat Singh (1661 – 1705)

The third of the Panj Pyare to answer the call of Guru Gobind Singh and offer his head was Bhai Himmat Singh.

  • Birth: January 18,1661 Jagannath Puri, Present day Orrissa. Born Himmat Rai.
  • Family: Son of Gulzaree and his wife Dhanoo of the Jheeaur
  • Occupation: Water carrier.
  • Initiation: Anand Pur, 1699. Age 38.
  • Death: Chamkaur, December 7, 1705. Martyred age 44.

Upon initiation, Himmat Rai gave up the occupation and alliance of his Kumhar caste to become Himmat Singh and join the Khalsa warriors. The meaning of Himmat is courageous spirit and Singh is lion, qualities which are inherent in the five beloved Panj Pyare. Bhai Himmat Singh fought beside Guru Gobind Singh and the Khalsa in Anand Pur and and died at the the battle of Chamkaur in December, 1705.


With Courtesy- Sukhmandir Khalsa, Sikhism Expert  http://sikhism.about.com/od/historicalpersonalities/tp/Panj-Pyare-The-Five-Beloved.htm

Sikh Shaheeds (Sikh Martyrs)


Bhai Himmat Singh Ji (Panj Pyare)


Date of Birth : 18 January 1661
Birthplace : India
FAther’s Name : ———–
Mother’s Name : ———–
Brother/Sisters : ———–
Joti Jot : 7 December 1705
Bhai Himmat Singh (1661–1705), one of the Panj Pyare, or the Five Beloved, celebrated in Sikh history, was born in 1661 at JagannathPuri in a Kumhar/Ghumiar family [1] (his family business was water supplying). He came to Anandpur at the young age of 17, and attached himself to the service of Guru Gobind Singh. Bhai Himmat, as he was called before his initiation, was one of the five Sikhs who one by one offered to lay down their heads in response to the Guru’s successive calls made at an assembly of the Sikhs especially summoned on the occasion of Baisakhi of 1756 Bk corresponding to 30 March 1699. He along with the other four received the vows of the Khalsa at Guru Gobind Singh’s hands and was renamed Himmat Singh. Bhai Himmat Singh proved a brave warrior and, while at Anandpur, he took part in battles with the surrounding hill chiefs and imperial commanders. He died in the battle of Chamkaur on 7 December 1705 together with Bhai Sahib Singh and Bhai Mukham Singh.


With Courtesy – http://www.sachibani.info/bhai_himmat_singh_ji.html

guru govind ki mang

14 aprail, 1699 ko guru govind sinh ne dharmabhiyan prarnbh karane se poorv buddhiman jan bhavana ki parakh karane ke vichar se snvat 1955 ke chaitr mas men ek bada virat samaroh kiya aur usamen sabhi ko bhag lene ke lie amntrit kiya. us utsav men hazaron log aye. guru govind sinh ne unaka adar, satkar kiya aur unake bhojan tatha vishram nivas ka samuchit prabndh kiya. pramukh sabha ke din guru govind sinh janasamuday ke sammukh nngi talavar lie hue aye aur bole- “bhaiyon, aj devi durga ne balidan manga hai. kya ap men se koee aisa vir hai, jo devi ki prasannata ke lie apana sir de sake?”[1]

panch viron ka balidan

sabha men kuchh der sannata chhaya raha. guruji ne phir kaha- “kya devi ki mang poori nahin hogi?” tabhi ek tis varshiy tarun utha aur bola- “main apana sir devi ko bhent karane ko taiyar hoon.” yah lahaur ke nivasi bhaee dayaram khatri the. guru govind sinh unhen ek tnboo men le gaye aur ek muhoort hi men logon ne tnboo ke bahar rakt ki dhara bahate hue dekhi. guru govind sinh phir hath men rakt se sani talavar lekar aye aur bole- “devi aur balidan chahati hain. kya doosara koee vyakti apana sir dene ko taiyar hai?” tabhi taintis varshiy dilli nivasi bhaee dharmasinh jat ne age akar sir jhuka diya. guruji unhen bhi tnboo men le gaye aur rakt ki doosari dhar bahati dikhaee di. tisari bar guruji ne akar phir vahi mang ki. ab ki bar 36 varshiy mohakamachnd dhobi age aye. guru unako bhi tnboo men le gaye aur ek bar phir tnboo ke bahar rakt ki dhar bahati dikhaee di. isi prakar guru govind sinh ne do bar aur akar balidan ki mang ki aur donon bar kram se saintis varshiy bidar nivasi bhaee sahabachnd naee aur 38 varshiy jagannath nivasi bhaee himmataray kumhar ne apana sir dena svikar kiya aur donon ki vahi dasha huee jo pratham tin ki huee thi. is balidan bhavana se sara janasamooh umad pada aur guruji se kahane laga ki- “hamara sir lijie, hamara sir lijie”.

With courtesy- from http://en.bharatdiscovery.org/india/%E0%A4%AA%E0%A4%82%E0%A4%9A_%E0%A4%AA%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%AF%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B0%E0%A5%87

Kumhar or Kumbhar (Punjabi: ਕੁਮਹਾਰ, Urdu: کتعہطد,Hindi: कु्म्हार); also known as Prajapati, is a caste or community of India, mainly belonging to the Hindu religion. The word “Kumhar” literally means “potter” in Indian languages, pottery being the traditional occupation of the Kumhars.

In Hindu mythology, Kumhars are said to have descended from the Prajapati, the son of the Hindu god Brahma, and hence are referred to as Prajapatis. There are also other stories about them being called Prajapati. In Shiv Purana while Narad Ji listens Shiv Tatva from God Brahma, he calls God Brahmaji as Prajapati so Brahmaji himself is also a Prajapati.

Mythological origin of kumhars/Prajapatis

The Kumhars or Kumbhars or rehmani derive their name from the Sanskrit word Kumbhakar meaning earthen pot maker. They are also known as Kumbhar(Marathi)Prajapati, Prajapat, Kumhar, Ghumiyar, Ghumar, Kumbhkaar . Today, the Kumhar caste is mainly found in Pakistan and Punjab, Bijnor(U.P.) (India). Some Prajapatis/Kumhars trace the origin of their community to the beginning of civilization when the man started using utensils to prepare and eat food. They(Kumhars) consider themselves to be the starters of the world’s first industry (pottery).

All sons of Lord Brahma were known to be Prajapatis. There are subcasts that are common in Kumhars and Brahmins. Brahmans are claimed to be offspring of Prajapatis. and Four varnas are developed by Brahmans within themselves but since Kumhars/Prajapatis were there from even before word Brahmins came to existence so they consider themselves different from varnas/Caste system.They say themselves to be different from the caste system and claim them to be higher than all varnas and castes.


According to a Hindu mythology, the first Kumbh (earthen pot) was a gift from the Gods. When the gods and the demons were churning the ocean for nectar, there was no vessel to collect the ambrosia. Some other Kumhar myths claim this to be their first creation. Another mythological story says that when Lord Shiva was about to marry Parvati he realised he had forgotten the water pot integral for the ceremony. Therefore, he gave a part of his skin for clay to Prajapati, the god of creativity, to make a pot. And Parvati gave her blood to decorate the pot. That is when the first kumbh (earthen pot) was created and Prajapati became the first Kumhar (potter). In some temples in Rajasthan, only a Kumhar can do the worship not the Brahmins. The classification of Kumhars in the Hindu varna system differs from region to region.


With courtesy – from http://www.prajapatiworld.com/about-prajapati

Kummara, Kumhar or Kumbhar is a caste or community of India. Kummara literally means potter in Indian languages. The Kumhar community is found throughout India and is found in all religions. The Kumhars derive their name from the Sanskrit word Kumbhakar meaning earthen pot maker.
Traditionally, the Kumhars have been the followers of the Dharmic religions (especially Hinduism), but many adopted Islam after the Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent.”

76%Hindu 16%Muslim 1.5%Sikh 6.5%Other religions Related ethnic groups

“The Kumhar community is found throughout India, but mainly in the northern states of India including Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Himachal, Western Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Maharashtra, Gujarat, South India, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, and West Bengal.”

In Hindu mythology, the Kumhars are the descendants of Lord Prajapati. Therefore, they are also known as Prajapati.


Prajapati in Vedas

According to later beliefs in the post-Vedic Era, the Prajapaties were elected democratically. Lord Vishnu was first elected democratically/unanimously as Prajapati (in the North of Aryavarta or Bharta) by all the Rishis and subjects of that era and sat on the throne of Prajapati. Thereafter, Lord Bràhma was elected as Prajapati (in the west of Aryavrat or Bharta), after which Lord Shankar (in the South of Aryavrat or Bharta) or Rudras were elected as Prajapaties. The throne of Prajapati succeeded further and there were about 26 Prajapaties, as mentioned in the Vedas.

Prajapati is a Vedic deity presiding over procreation, and the protection of life. He appears as a creator deity or supreme god vishvakarman above the other Vedic deities in RV 10 and in Brahmana literature. Vedic commentators also identify him with the creator referred to in the Nasadiya Sukta.

In later times, he is identified with Vishnu, Shiva, with the personifications of Time, Fire, the Sun, etc. He is also identified with various mythical progenitors, especially (Manu Smrti 1.34) the ten lords of created beings first created by Brahmā, the Prajapatis Marichi, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Vasishtha, Prachetas or Daksha, Bhrigu, Nārada.

The Mahabharata mentions, in the words of celestial sage Narada, 14 Prajapatis (lit:caretakers of the Praja) Hiranyagarbha is the source of the creation of the Universe or the manifested cosmos in Indian philosophy, it finds mention in one hymn of the Rigveda (RV 10.121), known as the ‘Hiranyagarbha sukta’ and presents an important glimpse of the emerging monism, or even monotheism, in the later Vedic period, along with the Nasadiya sukta suggesting a single creator deity predating all other gods (verse 8: yó devéṣv ádhi devá éka âsīt, Griffith: “He is the God of gods, and none beside him.”), in the hymn identified as Prajapati.

The Upanishads calls it the Soul of the Universe or Brahman, and elaborates that Hiranyagarbha floated around in emptiness and the darkness of the non-existence for about a year, and then broke into two halves which formed the Swarga and the Prithvi. In classical Puranic Hinduism, Hiranyagarbha is a name of Brahma, so called because he was born from a golden egg (Manusmrti 1.9), while the Mahabharata calls it the Manifest.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.8.16 cites Vishvakarman as the leader of the prajāpatis, the sons of Lord Brahmā who generate progeny. The eleven lords of created beings first created by Brahmā, which are the Prajapatis:

In Hinduism, Prajapati (Sanskrit:प्रजापति (IAST: prajā-pati)) “lord of creatures” is a group Hindu deity presiding over procreation, and protection of life. Vedic commentators also identify him with the creator referred to in the Nasadiya Sukta.

The Mahabharata mentions, in the words of celestial sage Narada, 14 Prajapatis (lit:caretakers of the Praja) excluding Vishvakarman namely:

  1. Daksha,
  2. Prachetas,
  3. Pulaha,
  4. Marichi,
  5. Kasyapa,
  6. Bhrigu,
  7. Atri,
  8. Vasistha,
  9. Gautama,
  10. Angiras,
  11. Pulastya,
  12. Kratu,
  13. Prahlada and
  14. Kardama

They are the caretakers of the fourteen worlds – seven lokas and seven talas.


Prajapati in Vedas


The Prajapati community come brahmana warriors are seen as the descendants of Prajapati; Lord Brahmā, Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and Maharaj Manu are considered Prajapaties. Prajapati also means protector & preserver (King).

The Mahabharata translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli (1883-1896), Book 2: Sabha Parva: Lokapala Sabhakhayana Parva, section:XI. p. 25 And Daksha, Prachetas, Pulaha, Marichi, the master Kasyapa, Bhrigu, Atri, and Vasistha and Gautama, and also Angiras, and Pulastya, Kraut, Prahlada, and Kardama, these Prajapatis, and Angirasa of the Atharvan Veda, the Valikhilyas, the Marichipas; Intelligence, Space, Knowledge, Air, Heat, Water, Earth, Sound, Touch, Form, Taste, Scent; Nature, and the Modes (of Nature), and the elemental and prime causes of the world,–all stay in that mansion beside the lord Brahma. And Agastya of great energy, and Markandeya, of great ascetic power, and Jamadagni and Bharadwaja, and Samvarta, and Chyavana, and exalted Durvasa, and the virtuous Rishyasringa, the illustrious ‘Sanatkumara’ of great ascetic merit and the preceptor in all matters affecting Yoga…

, Taste, Scent; Nature, and the Modes (of Nature), and the elemental and prime causes of the world,–all stay in that mansion beside the lord Brahma. And Agastya of great energy, and Markandeya, of great ascetic power, and Jamadagni and Bharadwaja, and Samvarta, and Chyavana, and exalted Durvasa, and the virtuous Rishyasringa, the illustrious ‘Sanatkumara’ of great ascetic merit and the preceptor in all matters affecting Yoga.




Possible Equivalent

A possible connection between Prajapati (and related figures in Indian tradition) and the Prōtogonos (Greek: Πρωτογόνος) of the Greek Orphic tradition has been made by several scholars.

It has been argued that the name of /PRA-JĀ[N]-pati/ (‘progeny-potentate’) is etymologically equivalent to that of the oracular god at Kolophōn (according to Makrobios), namely /prōtogonos/.

According to Damascius, Prōtogonos (also known as Phanēs) had four heads, those of “a Serpent (Drakōn)… and a bull; a man, and a god,” while in the Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa Brahmā – identified with Prajapati in several texts – is likewise reckoned as 4-headed [one head each having produced deva-s (gods), ṛṣi-s (sages), pitṛ-s (ancestors), and nara-s (humans)].

“The sons of Lord Brahma are known to be Prajapatis. There are subcastes that are common in both Kumhars and Brahmins. Brahmans are claimed to be offspring of Prajapatis.


According to a Hindu mythology, the first Kumbh (earthen pot) was a gift from the Gods. When the gods and the demons were churning the ocean for nectar, there was no vessel to collect the ambrosia. Some other Kumhar myths claim this to be their first creation.
Another mythological story says that when Lord Shiva was about to marry Parvati, he realised he had forgotten the water pot integral for the ceremony. Therefore, he gave a part of his skin for clay to Prajapati, the god of creativity, to make a pot. And Parvati gave her blood to decorate the pot. That is when the first kumbh[3] (earthen pot) was created and Prajapati became the first Kumhar (potter).

Ancient Arya Samaj was divided in four castes, such as

  1. Brahmin
  2. Ksatriyas
  3. Vaishyas
  4. Shudra

The people who were working in the masonry or carpentry occupations were given the title of a mason, carpenter, or masonry etc., and they are known by these names even at present. The people who worked as potters, making utensils, tiles or any related products from earth were called, “Kumbhkar.” Kumbh – means clay utensils and kar – means maker. Therefore, Kumbhkar was later called,”Kumbhar.” Due to the increase use of their trade and that became well known as, one “Jati” people of Prajapati community it appears that their geographical location determined their title such as Sorathia, Lad, and Varia. Therefore, people who stayed and lived in Sorath were known as “Sorathia Prajapati.”

The person of Shudra also could be a Brahman, such as Valmiki Rushi, was Shudra by birth, however, he was able to become Brahmin. Current castes and sub-castes are based on their particular skills. In ancient times, Prajapati was very high up on the rank, and during that time, the higher caste used to come to Prajapati’s home to stay with him.

In Dwapar Yug, the Pandavas stayed at Prajapati’s home. The Prajapati community was very consecrated, and of refined culture. After a long time, the name of Prajapati went through a significant downfall. But, its ancient, high, consecrated values can still be noticed in hidden adage.

To prove that belief, in Prajapati community today, there are so many sants in our community. In Satyug, the guru of Bhakta Prahalad was Shreebai Mataji, who was Prajapati Bhakta. Gora Kumbhar, was also saint from Maharashtra. In 15th century, Padamnath Prabhu, who was in Patan, in Gujrat, and also a Prajapati. In Kheda district of Gujrat, and Borsad, Sant Shree Gopaldas also was Prajapati, in Rajasthan, Bhakta Koobaji, in Kankaviti Bhakta Ranka Vanka, in Saurashatra, Dhhanga Bhagat, and Mepa Bhagat in Tikar, near Hadavad in Gujrat Kara Bhagat in Godhra, Sant Shree Purshotam Dasji, all were Prajapati. Also, in Saurastra, Chindal Bhagat, and Ramji Bhagat. In Vanthali Heera Bhagat in, Gadhaka, Jiva Bhagat, Rana Bordi, Bogha Bhagat (Mahant Shree Balak Dasji), at Navadra, Jina Bhagat, at Bagavadar, Jiva Bhagat (Sant Hans Dasji), All these were also Prajapati’s. Besides, these in Junagadh district, at Satadhar, at the sight of Shree Aapa Giga, there was Shamji Bhagat, and at the sight of Sat Devivas, or Parab was Sat Sevadas. All these were Prajapatis.

From these, it can be proved that the high, consecrated values, and morals, by the mercy of our ancestors have remained for all the time in the Prajapati community. Due to the high morals of our ancestors, many Bhaktos have taken birth, these Bhaktos, by doing pottery work, artwork, or carpentry work, and either being poor or rich, were able to provide accommodation to the higher caste, had true knowledge of religion, and the understanding of their holy duty. This is the proof of holiness and ancient high values and morals of Prajapati community.

Just as Brahma, the maker of humanity, used the five elements: fire, water, wind, earth and space, so did the descendant’s of the son of Brahma, Daksa Prajapati, also uses the five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, and space, to create different types of utensils and artwork. These items are mainly used for the basic use for the general public uses, by providing for eating, drinking, living and worshipping. These art items are handy and useful for the poor and the rich alike. These valuable artistes and their rank of art has persevered and preserved for generations.

So the present, castes and sub-castes are mainly based on the skill levels. The art of pottery is very ancient and in the old days the basic existence depended on these earthenware utensils and deities. These handy-works have been recovered by digging in some of the old cities and from that it is known that the art of pottery has continued yug to yug and is very ancient.

At present time the whole Hindu Samaj has been divided into different castes and sub castes, due to the skill levels expanding. And therefore, the marriages can be taken place in their own castes and also for this reason the whole community is further divided in different languages/dialects according to provinces/districts, not only that, the speaker of the same languages are also divided into small groups and it was restricted to mingle and socialize, let alone marry outside of that community.

In past, from Prajapati community some people came in touch with the Kshatriyas, and they started to work like them, so people who mixed with Kshatriyas and attained a similar surname. For example Saurastra and Kutch, in Prajapati community there is a surname like Chavda, Vaghela, Solanki, Gohil, Parmar, and these surnames are recognized as such even at present.

“Kumhars of Maharashtra(Maratha Kumbhar)”

“Maratha(kshatriya) kumbhar is the sub cast of Maratha clan. They are prominently found in western Maharshtra and konkan part of Maharashtra state. In western maharashtra they are situated in districts pune, solapur, satara, sangali, kolhapur, ahamadnagar and In konkan districts mainly raigad, ratnagiri. They are also present in Goa state in significant numbers. They were served for creation of maratha nation in the era of shivaji maharaj. They were given Jahangiri (award given by king in the form of Land) for their bravery. After foundation of Maratha state later on their families have started business like bricks industries, making idols, farming and pottery.”

“Most of the Maratha kumbhar have their surname as kumbhar. In western maharastra their surnames are kumbhar, raje, shirke, patil, jadhav,kale etc. while in konkan side their surnames are mostly derived from their village name. In konkan side their surnames are kumbhar, salvi and derived from village name.

In Goa state and konkan side most of Maratha kumbhar are having their surname as Shet indicating Rich family.In some families men proudly use Rav after their name which is indication of Maratha clan. Their family businesses differ in different districts of maharashtra. Like in Raigad, some part of navi Mumbai Maratha kumbhar make ganesh idols as “Ganesh Ustav” is the big festivel celebrated in Raigad and Mumbai, also in konkan side. Pen a Taluka in Raigad District is famous for making of Ganesh idols. Apart from this konkani Maratha kumbhar also involved in farming and most of them are having brick industries. In western maharasthra district Maratha kumbhar are usually having brick industries and do farming. Maratha kumbhar made matrimonial alliances with other maratha clans. They are khstriya community so prefer maratha clan for marriages. There are other kumbhars which are not belonged to Maratha clan lives in maharashtra and have occupation of making idols and pots.”

“Kumhars of Punjab and Haryana”

“The Hindu Kumhars of the south-east Punjab are divided into two main groups: Gola and Mahar; traditionally. Some Mahars in Jind claim to be the pure descendants of the sage Kuba (or Kubha) Bhagat.  They are also known as Kumbhar(Marathi)Prajapati, Prajapat, Kumhar, Ghumiyar, Ghumar, Kumbhkaar or Kumawat. Some Prajapatis/Kumhars trace the origin of their community to the beginning of civilization when the man started using utensils to prepare and eat food. They Kumhars consider themselves to be the starters of the world’s first industry (pottery). According to a Hindu mythology, the first Kumbh (earthen pot) was a gift from the Gods. When the gods and the demons were churning the ocean for nectar, there was no vessel to collect the ambrosia. That is when Vishwakarma, the heavenly builder, picked up some earth and shaped it into a pot. Some other Kumhar myths claim this to be their first creation. Another mythological story says that when Lord Shiva was about to marry Parvati, he realised he had forgotten the water pot integral for the ceremony. Therefore, he gave a part of his skin for clay to Prajapati, the god of creativity, to make a pot. And Parvati gave her blood to decorate the pot. That is when the first kumbh (earthen pot) was created and Prajapati became the first Kumhar (potter). In some temples in Rajasthan, only a Kumhar can do the worship not the brahmins.

“Apart from Mahars and Golas, there are also other minor Kumhar groups. For example, Hanslin, Tannr, Mali and Raj Kumhar. The Raj Kumhars traditionally worked as the masons and thus held a superior position in the caste hierarchy.

“In Gurdaspur, the Hindu Khumars are divided into two groups, one claiming descent from Punj Phulan Rani, a Kumhar, who had seven daughters:


“Kumhar of Haryana The descendants of Paminder and Pawinder don’t marry within themselves because they were true daughters.

Kumhars of Haryana

“The Kumhars of Sirsa are divided into the Jodhpuria, from Jodhpur, who use the furnace or bhathi and are generally mere potters, and the Bikaneri or Desi, from Bikaner who use kilns (pajawas), but are chiefly agricultural and look down upon the potter’s occupation as degrading.The Kumhars of Kurukshetra are known as Guliyaan(gotra), Sangroye and Gejwals. Now the days also they are in their traditional Pottery business and some are in agriculture. In Hissar there are four nondescript groups, the Bidawati, Magrochi, Nagori and Bhandia and others. All those appear to be really different tribes and not separate clans of one and the same tribe or caste. Other groups mentioned in accounts from this District are the Gola, Maru and Mula, all three distinct and will not intermarry. But the other accounts make the Gola the same as Maru and Bidwati identical with the Megrechi. Several of the Kumhar tribes have abandoned pottery and taken to agriculture as an occupation.

“Occupationally, the Bagri group is also sub-divided into Khapmarus or agriculturists and Khapbandas or potters. The Marwariss of Bagar use camels at a wedding. Besides Guga, they also affect Jin Devi, whose surine is on a hill near Jaipur. Fairs are held there on the 8th and 9th sudi of Chaitra and Ashad. The Marwari-Desi groups appear to be found only in Jind, and in Sialkot. Kumhar in Haryana – Mohinder Garh – Khudana village – Chhapolia Gotra,and in Haryana following Gotra Kumhar are available Bawalia, Jalwal, Dahmiwal, Luhaniwal, Dabodia, Beewal, Sukharawalia, etc., also known as Bhagat ji because of Durga Mata/ Jai Ambe pooja, Brijeshwari(Kagra), Jawala ji (Jawalapur) Chintpurni Maa, Arti/pooja are completed by Kumhar in Pooja Sthal. The caste of Kumhar are praying complete process in Pooja. They are nevr ingore any step in Pooja Smaroh.”

“Dhuraan gotra families stay in Hisar, matrashyam village, in Kharkari(Hisar)with Poonias families, Siswal, Dhand(Adampur), Gangwa(Hisar), Ladwa, Sisay(Hansi), Mada-Majra, Bhujhasar(near Bhadra), Baasraa(Bhadra), Beegar village in Fatehabad,Chhani(Bhadra) Prabhuwala near Uklana Mandi and in Hisar city,Chandigarh in Sirsa district and in Gohana Sonipat also. this dhuraan gotra/surname got from Guru Dronaacharyaa, in Hindi literature Drona means shreshth(best). the kumhar community who belongs to family of Guru Dronaachaaryaa(Guru Dronaachaaryaa was aacharya and expert in archery and in other weapons also) and who got their education and shiksha and whose koolaguru was Guru Dronaachaaryaa, they got this surname. some of these surname found in sirsa rajasthan touch area like Nohar.”

“Kumhars of Madhya Pradesh”

“Hathretie and Chakretie (or Challakad) Kumhars are found in Madhya Pradesh and refer to themselves as Prajapati. Hathretie Kumhars are called so because they traditionally moved the “chak” (potter’s wheel) by hands (“hath”). Gola is a common surnames among Kumhars in Madhya Pradesh.”

Prajapti of Rajasthan

“The Prajapti community in Gujarat, Rajasthan are further divided:
Pandit, Kumawat, Marwara, Timiria, Mawalia, Mathera,Sighatiya, sihota, Sunkdiwal, Shardiwal, Kirodiwal
Each of these groups specialize in a particular form of earthwork.”

“Kumhars of North India”

“The Kumhars of Kangra (Jammu & Kashmir) appear richest, however, to be also known as Desi, and only their women wear gold nose-rings which is now a long tradition followed by many women in India. Their gots are Danial, Gan-gotra and Sonal. In Maler Kotla the Pajawagars are said to be Desi, there being no Marwaris in the State, and this Desi group is further sub-divided into Mahars and Golas. In Jind (Haryana) these two sub-divisions of the Desi group are also found, the Mahar being also called Maru. In Himachal Pradesh in some places the people of Kumhar community are the priest/pujaris of holy swarna Hindu Devtas Temples and are considered at par with Brahmin and make matrimonial alliances with Kanet(Thakurs) mainly in upper Solan,Shimla and Kullu Distt. Higher caste Brahmins accept Kachha & Pakka food only from Kumhar community members. Kumhars are considered swarna and are of Kshatriya origin in Hindu Verna Hierarchy. There are Lamberdars and Jaminders are also in some places. Moreover, in some places, the head of the family is worshiped like Thakur (God) by vaish community in some holy occasions. The verma/verman surname is commonly used by Kumhar community members. In Delhi Gotra of Kumhars are Gola, Tandewal, Sarotia, Beriwal, Dubaldhania.”

“Kumhars of Pakistan”

“A huge population of Kumhars settled in Pakistan. They have two kinds 1: Muhajer and 2: Locals.Majority of Kumhars in Pakistan are Muslim. Muhajer Kumhars are migrate from India in 1947 after partition. They have many Gotars/Surnames and they are Hindi speaking like Haeyanvi Bangar(u) a sub-caste, found immigrants from Bangar Haryana, India. Some of the tribes are Punjabi speaking who have migrate from Indian Punjab. They are commonly called Rehmani. The title of Rehmani is adapted after partition by Muhajar Kumhars but Local Kumhars also adopted this title.Local Kumhars are ancient people of Punjab and Sindh and there is no concept of caste system in Balochistan and khyber pakhtunkhwa, where they are in majority (N.W.F.P).


Orissa and Bengal

In Bengal Kumhars are one among the ceremonially pure castes.The Jagannathia Kumhars of Orissa, who provide vessels for the rice distribution in Jagannath temple, have much higher rank in the society than the Kumhars of Central India. Bhai Himmat Singh, who was one of the first Panj Pyare, was from Jagannathpuri Orissa.




“Listed below are few Gotra/Clan of Kumhar’s

Ahetan अहीतान – ਅਹੀਤਾਨ
Akku अक्कू – ਅੱਕੂ
Baaj बाज – ਬਾਜ
Behgal बहगल-ਬਹਗਲ
Benipal बेणीपाल – ਬੇਣੀਪਾਲ
Bhopal :ਭੋਪਾਲ (ਮਿੱਟੀ ਦੇ ਭਾਲ਼ੂ ਜਾਂ ਮਿੱਟੀ ਦੀਆਂ ਕਿਸਮਾਂ ਦੇ ਜਾਣੂ) (bhoo-bhaal) who searches for the proper type of earth.
Bhalerao भालेराउ – ਭਾਲੇਰਾਓ – بہالےراو
Bhardwaj भारद्वाज – ਭਾਰਦਵਾਜ –
Bijotra बिजोत्रI – ਬਿਜੋਤ੍ਰਾ
Blaggan बलग्गण – ਬਲੱਗਣ – (Blagan / Ballagan)
Chahal ਚਹਿਲ
Chakretia चकरेटिया – ਚਕਰੇਟੀਆ (MP-INDIA)
Chammchandol चम्चंदोल – ਚੰਮਚੰਦੋਲ
Channi चन्नी – ਚਹਉਨਨਿ
Chandla चांदला – ਚਾੰਦਲਾ
Chandrani चंद्राणी – ਚੰਦਰਾਣੀ
Charchaulie चरचौलीये – ਚਰਚੌਲੀਏ
Chhapola छापोला – ਛਾਪੋਾਲਾ
Chidimaar चिड़ीमार – ਚਿੜੀਮਾਰ
Chind चिंद – ਚਿੰਦ
Chond चोंड – ਚੋਂਡ
Dehmiwal : Builders/ Merchandisers (profusely used in Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan)
Deshavaria ;देशावरीया saharanpur/up
Doal दोअल – ਦੋਉਲ
Dona : डोना – ਡੋਨਾ
Dodia : डोडीआ – ਡੋਡੀਆ
Dubb :ਡੱਬ (ਮਾਲ ਪਕਾਉਣ ਵਾਲ਼ੇ) packers/driers
Gola : गोला – ਗੋਲ਼ਾ (mainly used by Kumhars in Madhya Pradesh)
Gohal :ਗੋਹਲ/ਗੋਹਿਲ (ਆਵੇ ਦੇ ਚੈਕਰ) Earthen walls makers
Ghadiyal घड़ियाल – ਘੜਿਆਲ
Ghurail घुड़ैल – ਘੁੜੈਲ
Guleria गुलेरिआ – ਗੁਲੇਰੀਆ
Hampal हम्पाल – ਹਮਪਾਲ
Hathretia हथरेटिया – ਹਥਰੇਟੀਆ (MP INDIA)
Hunjan हुंजन – ਹੁਨਜਉਨ
Jabali जबालिआ – ਜਬਾਲੀਆ
Jhalli :ਝੱਲੀ ( حہ`لۓ)(ਚੱਕ ਦੇ ਚਾਲਕ)(Chalhi) who runs the chuck (wheel) {many Jhalli/Jhallys write themselves to be Jolly nowadays}
Jamba जम्बा – ਜੰਬਾ
Jamwal जम्वाल – ਜਮਵਾਲ਼
Jariyal/Jarial जरियाल-ਜਰਿਯਾਲ
Jeed जीड़ – ਜੀੜ
Kaundal कौंडल – ਕੌਂਡਲ
Karari : ਕਰਾੜੀ(ਕਰਾੜੀਏ)- Makers of su in older times.
Khambh खम्भ – ਖੰਭ
Kashav :ਕਸ਼ਵ (ਵਪਾਰੀ) Businessmen in Ghumars
Khokhars:ਖੋਖਰ (ਜੰਗੀ ਲੜਾਕੇ/ਮੁਹੰਮਦ ਗ਼ੌਰੀ ਦੇ ਕਾਤਲ)
Karari : ਕਰਾੜੀ(ਕਰਾੜੀਏ)- Makers of surahis (earthen product for cold water) on large scale in older times.
Khiva : खीवा – ਖੀਵਾ
Khosla खोसला – ਕਹੋਸਲਉ
Krari/Krarie कराड़ी – ਕਰਾੜੀਏ
Kubbe ਕੱਬੇ
Ladwa लाडवा – ਲਾਡਵਾ
Lakhanpal लखनपाल – ਲਖਨਪਾਲ
Langdi लांगड़ी – ਲਾੰਗੜੀ
Lehra/Lehri : ਲੈਹਰਾ, ਲੈਹਰੀ – pot basement fillers.
Lidder लिड्डर – ਲਿੱਢਰ
Lola लोला – ਲੋਲਾ
Wodeyar(means Lord): In south India
Mahar माहर, ਮਾਹਰ – Prominent agriculturists in Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan.
Nazar नज़र – ਨਜ਼ਰ
Nizran निज़रान – ਨਿਜ਼ਰਾਨ
Nokhwal नोखवाल – ਨੋਖਵਾਲ
Pankhania पांखानिया – ਪਾਂਖਾਨਿਯਾ
Pansotra पंसोत्रा – ਪੰਸੋਤ੍ਰਾ
Pensia पेंसिया – ਪੇੰਸਿਆ
Pal or Paul(means Protector): In west Bengal & others pasts of India.
Rattan रत्न – ਰਤਨ
Rana: Rana Tribes (Potters)in Orissa and other parts of India.
Sakhi ਸੱਖੀ
Sattani सत्तानी – ਸੱਤਾਨੀ
Sokhal सोख़ल – ਸੋਖ਼ਲ
Singathia सिंगाठिया – ਸਿੰਗਾਠਿਆ
Sogi सोगी – ਸੋਗੀ
Suetti/Sutti सुत्ती – ਸੁੱਤੀ
Taddi टाडी-ढाडी – ਟਾਡੀ-ਢਾਡੀ (Dhadi)
Tak/Taak टाक – ਟਾਕ
TalePhear :ਤਲ਼ੇਫਿਆਰ/ਤਲਵਾੜ(Talwar) (ਰੰਗਰੇਜ਼) colouring the raw material
Verma वर्मा ਵਰਮਾ : Commonly used with Kumhar community members throughout India and also Gold business/ Ornament dealers (Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan)


Traditional tools of Kumhars

  • CHAKK (चाक): wheel (Manual/Automatic/Semiautomatic)
  • GHIRNIYAN (घिरनीयां): Designing tools
  • SOOT/Brahm SOOTRA (सूत्र): To cut the made pot from the chak
  • THATTHU (थत्थू): External support to the raw material
  • THAPI (थापी): Internal supporting organ
  • MOOLI (मूल़ी): Refining tool for soil (by beating it into small pieces)
  • CHALLAKAD (चलक्कड़): To rotate the wheel using a rod; the rod is called Challakad
  • SANCHA (सांचा): A dye to make Handis
  • AAWA (भट्ठी-आवा): A hearth/kiln for raw material finalizing.


Present Circumstances

At present, the pottery work is considered low because there is a higher demand for iron, steel and copper materials. Things like stainless steel and other bright materials have taken place of earthen – ware.The Kumhars have almost shun their castly business (Soil work) but some have kept it alive. there are Kumhars in the Indian continent that export their items around world.The Kumhar traditional occupation remains pottery, but many are farmers also. The community are Hindus of the Shaivite sect.[4]

Thus, Prajapati community has been divided a long time ago and dispersed in different parts of India. Today, there is evidence of these fragmentations. There are so many reasons for falling down the rank of the community and one of the main reasons for this fall down is the lack of education. Due to the lack of education mobility upward is restricted. There is also a reluctance to move away from the customs. For these reasons, in the past the Prajapati community has been considered a low community from educated community. The second reason is that these artisans had to depend on farmers for their living and therefore the Prajapati community was called, “Vasvaya”, and considered as dependent on other communities. By good luck, Prajapati community slowly went towards education, and some people went to foreign countries, and they formed alliances with other communities. Slowly the barrier of sitting and eating was broken down.

“Notable Kumhars ==Devaraj Urs former CM of Karnataka Justice N.Kumarayya former Chief Justice of AP

“The Sohni in the famous Punjabi legend Sohni Mahiwal was a Kumhar. Sohni was killed because the Kumhars don’t accept the marriage of their daughters in other castes as Prajapati/Kumhar is supposed to be the highest caste. In Punjab when Shri Guru Gobind Singh found the Khalsa Panth, one of the first Khalsa Sikhs (the Panj Piares), Bhai Himmat Singh, was a Ghumiar/Kumhar family in the water-supply business. In the word Harry potter, potter means a Kumhar. The Khokhar Kumhar of Madhya Pradesh, fought like warriors in the 1857 uprising against the British.

With Courtesy- from  http://chakradhari.in/?page_id=31

कुछ बातें और जोड़ी जायेगी। इसलिए अगर आपके पास कोई तथ्‍य हो तो कमेंट करें। धन्‍यवाद

43 thoughts on “प्रजापति एवं कुमावत – एक परिचय

      1. कुछ भंगेलवाल गोत्र के बारे में बतायें


  1. राम जाति का रंगड़ा, कृश्न जाति अहीर
    ब्रम्हा जाति किम्हार है, शिव जाति फ़कीर
    Rama is a Rajput, Krishna is Ahir
    Brahma is a Kumhar by caste and Shiva is faqir
    Kumhars/Prajapatis Bridge between Indian and American civilizations
    Indian Potters/Kumhar/Prajapati make a bridge between India and America as it is assumed that Indians entered America around 30,000 BC and the art of pottery gone with them.

    Brief History of Kamhar
    Kumhar or Kumbhar (Punjabi: ਕੁਮਹਾਰ, Urdu: کتعہطد,Hindi: कु्म्हार); also known as Prajapati, is a caste or community of India, mainly belonging to the Hindu religion. The word “Kumhar” literally means “potter” in Indian languages, pottery being the traditional occupation of the Kumhars.
    In Hindu mythology, Kumhars are said to have descended from the Prajapati, the son of the Hindu god Brahma, and hence are referred to as Prajapatis. There are also other stories about them being called Prajapati. In Shiv Purana while Narad Ji listens Shiv Tatva from God Brahma, he calls God Brahmaji as Prajapati so Brahmaji himself is also a Prajapati.
    The Kumhar community is found throughout North India in the states of Punjab, Himachal, Western Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar.
    Traditionally, the Kumhars have been the followers of the Dharmic religions (especially Hinduism), but many of them adopted Islam after the Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent.

    Mythological origin of kumhars/Prajapatis
    The Kumhars or Kumbhars or rehmani derive their name from the Sanskrit word Kumbhakar meaning earthen pot maker.[ They are also known as Kumbhar(Marathi)Prajapati, Prajapat, Kumhar, Ghumiyar, Ghumar, Kumbhkaar . Today, the Kumhar caste is mainly found in Pakistan and Punjab, Bijnor(U.P.) (India). Some Prajapatis/Kumhars trace the origin of their community to the beginning of civilization when the man started using utensils to prepare and eat food. They Kumhars consider themselves to be the starters of the world’s first industry (pottery).
    All sons of Lord Brahma were known to be Prajapatis. There are subcasts that are common in Kumhars and Brahmins. Brahmans are claimed to be offspring of Prajapatis. and Four varnas are developed by Brahmans within themselves but since Kumhars/Prajapatis were there from even before word Brahmins came to existence so they consider themselves different from varnas/Caste system.They say themselves to be different from the caste system and clain them to be higher than all varnas and castes.
    In Hindu mythology, the Kumhars are the descendants of Lord Prajapati Daksha, son of Lord Brahma. Therefore, they are also known as Prajapati. Daksha Prajapati was a great scholar of Yajur Veda. After being given a prestigious rank by Brahma, he decided to perform a great yagna. He invited rishis, munis, devas and Brahmins to the yagna. On his arrival to the yagna mandap, all of these stood up in respect, except Brahma and Shankar. Prajapati became angry at the apparent disrespect and declared that Shankar will not be allowed to take part in the Yagna. Shankar’s gate keeper, Nandi cursed all Brahmins that were there that their entire lineage will live in pity of others and will eat what others will give and will also be Demon-Brahins. and hence many infants of Brahmins will become malicious in kaliyuga. But Kumhars were even then called Prajapatis and so there is no such curse given to this holy honest hardworking high system called Kumhar.Daksha also seem to be given same curse but Shiv purana tells that all Sons of Daksha were told Muki Marga and they become Mukta. This story of kumhars to be infants of only Prajapati Daksha seem to be false. But because prajapatis have surnames such as attris/bhardwaj/gautam/dhadhich etc., so they may be infants who did not study Vedas but worked hard so, those who studied Vedas, become Brahmins and who worked hard become Kumhars.
    According to a Hindu mythology, the first Kumbh (earthen pot) was a gift from the Gods. When the gods and the demons were churning the ocean for nectar, there was no vessel to collect the ambrosia. That is when Vishwakarma, the heavenly builder, picked up some earth and shaped it into a pot. Some other Kumhar myths claim this to be their first creation. Another mythological story says that when Lord Shiva was about to marry Parvati, he realised he had forgotten the water pot integral for the ceremony. Therefore, he gave a part of his skin for clay to Prajapati, the god of creativity, to make a pot. And Parvati gave her blood to decorate the pot. That is when the first kumbh (earthen pot) was created and Prajapati became the first Kumhar (potter). In some temples in Rajasthan, only a Kumhar can do the worship not the Brahmins. The classification of Kumhars in the Hindu varna system differs from region to region.
    The Kumhars of Nabha claim descent from Brahma in the following lines:
    ਰਾਮ ਜਾਤ ਕਾ ਰੰਗੜਾ, ਕ੍ਰਿਸ਼ਨ ਜਾਤ ਅਹੀਰ
    ਬ੍ਰਹਮਾ ਜਾਤ ਘੁਮਾਰ ਹੈ, ਸ਼ਿਵ ਕੀ ਜਾਤ ਫ਼ਕੀਰ
    राम जाति का रंगड़ा, कृश्न जाति अहीर
    ब्रम्हा जाति किम्हार है, शिव जाति फ़कीर
    Rama is a Rajput, Krishna is Ahir
    Brahma is a Kumhar by caste and Shiva is faqir
    Kumhars/Prajapatis Bridge between Indian and American civilizations
    Indian Potters/Kumhar/Prajapati make a bridge between India and America as it is assumed that Indians entered America around 30,000 BC and the art of pottery gone with them.

    Traditional tools of Kumhars
    Traditional tools of Kumhars/Prajapatis in Punjab like Chakk, Handi, Chalakkar, soot, in May 2010
    · CHAKK(ਚੱਕ)(चाक): wheel (Manual/Automatic/Semiautomatic)
    {It is thought that Brahmaji is himself present on Chakk so it is worshiped on all occasions by all Hindu castes. But nowadays this tradition is lost somewhere}
    · GHIRNIYAN(ਘਿਰਨੀਆਂ)(घिरनीयां): Designing tools
    · SOOT/SOOTRA(ਸੂਤ)(सूत्र): To cut the made pot from the chak
    · THATTHU(ਥੱਥੂ)(थत्थू): External support to the raw material
    · THAPI(ਥਾਪੀ)(थापी): Internal supporting organ
    · MOOLI(ਮੂਲ਼ੀ)(मूल़ी): Refining tool for soil (by beating it into small pieces)
    · CHALLAKAD(ਚਲੱਕੜ)(चलक्कड़): To rotate the wheel using a rod; the rod is called Challakad
    · SANCHA(ਸੱਚਾ)(सांचा): (SACCHA in Punjabi) is a dye to make Handis
    · AAWA (ਆਵਾ)(भट्ठी-आवा): a hearth/kiln for raw material finalizing.

    Arts products of Kumhars
    Products of Kumhars/Prajapatis in Punjab Right to left: below are Taudian, bigger one are Chattina then biggest are Kumbh and smallest are Chilamns May 2010
    · Chatti
    · Taudi
    · Kujje
    · Gahde/Kumbh/Kalash
    · Chilamns
    · Kanalian
    · Gamle
    · AAthrian
    · Karhnian
    · Deeve/Diye
    · Jhanven
    · Chappan
    · Koonde
    · Chhikyale
    · Surahi
    · Kulhar
    · Dila
    · Ranbir Singh Gangwa first Rajysabha MP from Kumhar community
    · Ramniwas Ghodela prajapati Haryana MLA
    · Ramesh Lal M.P. Pakistan First Hindu M.P.
    · Gurbax Singh Malhi – First Turbaned M.L.A. of Indian origin in Canada
    · Raja Shalivahan[citation needed] (Satvahan) – A Marathi King who conquered ruled for many years. He started the ‘Shak’ calendar by his name which is used at present also in Deccan, Karnataka and many regions of India.
    · Wodeyar dynasty – The ruler of mysore.[citation needed]
    · Professor Sut Jhally/Sut Jhalli, Professor of Communication Famous wrotter in University of Massachusetts Amherst
    Sut Jhally, discussing his video “Tough Guise: Men, Violence and the Crisis in Masculinity” at the Men’s Project Collaborative, Amherst College in March 2004
    · Sri.Dommata Venkatesh Kummara – A famous humanist,Journalist
    · Saint Gora Kumbhar, one of the very first Saints in Maharastra and India.
    · Saint Raka Kumbhar, Famous saint from pandharpur at the time of Shri Sant Gora Kumbhar
    · Waman Kumbhar, one of Sai Baba’s first few devotees.
    · Rajinder Singh Jr. Dronacharya award winner.
    · Mahapajapati Gotami, one of first buddhishts
    · Saint Kuba Kumbhar, a famous poet from bengal.
    · Kallu Kumhar, maker of sculptors of a famous story(Kallu Kumhar Ki unnakoti)
    · Deshbhakt Ratnappa Kumbhar, Member of Parliament from kolhapur.
    · Nawab KumharPunjabi singer of old times
    · Asa Singh Mastana, Punjabi Folk Singer/Artist
    · Surinder Kaur, Punjabi Folk Singer/Artist
    · Dolly Guleria, Punjabi Folk Singer/Artist
    · Arjun Prajapati, the award winning personality of Rajasthan
    · Roshan Prince, singer
    · Deepika Prajapati, winner of Gold Medal in International youth Archery in USA.
    · Subhash Ram Prajapati, artist, writer, researcher, and scholar in Nepalese Culture
    · Sunil Prajapati, politician
    · Mohanlal Chaturbhuj Kumhar, awarded Shilpguru award in 2003
    · Shobha Ram Kumawat: alwar union menister played important role in education
    · Shri Kewal Ram Prajapat, an expert in the craft of weaving of Dari (Durries) and Carpets received the State level Master Craftsman Award from Rajasthan Small Industries Corporation Limited for the year 1992-93.
    · Shri Ram Chandar Prajapat Master Craftsman Award from Rajasthan Small Industries Corporation 2006-07
    · Shri Narpat Prajapat Master Craftsman Award from Rajasthan Small Industries Corporation 2006-07]
    · Shri Mohan Kumar Prajapati Master Craftsman Award from Rajasthan Small Industries Corporation 1996-97
    · Madan lal prajapat Rajasthan MLA
    · Usha Prajapati: Famous Social activist, environmentalist,Textile Designer National/International personality
    · Shreebai Mataji : Gurumata of Bhakt Prahlad
    · M. R. Prajapati: Famous in world for product: mitticool/Nonstick wares and Clay products
    · Mian Munir rahmani ex MNA in Pakistan
    · khurshid mehmood kasuri ex foreign minister of Pakistan
    The Sohni in the famous Punjabi legend Sohni Mahiwal was a Kumhar. Sohni was killed because the Kumhars don’t accept the marriage of their daughters in other castes as Prajapati/Kumhar is supposed to be the highest caste. In Punjab when Shri Guru Gobind Singh found the Khalsa Panth, one of the first Khalsa Sikhs (the Panj Piares), Bhai Himmat Singh, was a Ghumiar/Kumhar family in the water-supply business. In the word Harry potter, potter means a Kumhar. The Khokhar Kumhar of Madhya Pradesh, who did the wooden work over ages, fought like wariors in the 1857 uprising against the British.
    The first ever rhinoplasty recorded by the British in India was performed by an unknown Kumhar vaidya in the Maratha territory. This account was published in the Gentleman’s Magazine in 1794.

    Kumhar Groups of Rajashthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra
    According to some books, the Kumhar community in Gujrat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra; is further divided into six sub-divisions, including:
    Each of these groups specialize in a particular form of earthwork.
    Kumhars of Punjab and Haryana
    Vijay Kumar Vaish Prajapati/Kumhar, in his shop in Hoshiarpurpunjab June, 2010
    The Hindu Kumhars of the south-east Punjab are divided into two main groups: Gola and Mahr; traditionally, the Golas were considered superior in the caste hierarchy. Some Mahrs in Jind claim to be the pure descendants of the sage Kuba (or Kubha) Bhagat.
    Apart from Mahrs and Golas, there are also other minor Kumhar groups. For example, Hanslin, Tannr, Mali and Raj Kumhar. The Raj Kumhars traditionally worked as the masons and thus held a superior position in the caste hierarchy.
    In Gurdaspur, the Hindu Ghumars are divided into two groups, one claiming descent from Raja Sain Pal, a Rajput, who had seven sons:
    Kahlon – Who become a cultivator thus a jat by caste
    Haljhal – Who become potters
    Kukoo Mahroliya from jamalpur
    Musilm Ku
    mhar of Haryana The descendants of Tak and Haljhal don’t marry within themselves because they were true brothers.

    The Kumhars of Haryana
    The Kumhars of Sirsa are divided into the Jodhpuria, from Jodhpur, who use the furnace or bhathi and are generally mere potters, and the Bikaneri or Desi, from Bikaner who use kilns (pajawas), but are chiefly agricultural and look down upon the potter’s occupation as degrading. In Hissar there are four nondescript groups, the Bidawati, Magrochi, Nagori and Bhandia and others. All those appear to be really different tribes and not separate clans of one and the same tribe or caste, as, though all smoke and eat together, they will not inter-marry. Of these the first-named smoke with Jaats, and take wives from the Rugrachi, but will not give them wives in return (this is called batta). Other groups mentioned in accounts from this District are the Gola, Maru and Mula, all three distinct and will not intermarry. But the other accounts make the Gola the same as Maru and Bidwati identical with the Megrechi. Several of the Knmhar tribes have abandoned pottery and taken to agriculture as an occupation and thus risen in social scale. Other territorial Groups of Hindu Kumhars are:
    Bagri or Marwari
    Bangar(u) a sub-caste, found in Kapurthala, originally immigrants from Bangar
    Occupationally, the Bagri group is also sub-divided into Khapmarus or agriculturists and Khapbandas or potters, which form sub-castes, as they do not intermarry, or eat or smoke together. They avoid four gots in marriage. The Marwariss of Bagar use camels at a wedding, as they keep camels instead of donkeys. Besides Guga, they also affect Jin Devi, whose surine is on a hill near Jaipur. Fairs are held there on the 8th and 9th sudi of Chait and Asauj. The Marwari-Desi groups appear to he found only in Jind, and in Sialkot.
    Kumhars of Himachal Pradesh and Punjab
    The Kumhars ol Kangra appear, however, to be also known as Desi, and their women wear gold nose-rings. Their gots are Danial, Gan-gotra and Sonal. In Maler Kotla the Pajawagars are said to be Desi, there being no Marwaris in the State, and this Desi group is further sub-divided into Mahars and Golas. In Jind these two sub-divisions of the Desi group are also found, the Mahar being also called Maru.
    Kumhars of Madhya Pradesh
    Hathretie and Chakretie (or Challakad) Kumhars are found in Madhya Pradesh and refer to themselves as Prajapati. Hathretie Kumhars are called so because they traditionally moved the “chak” (potter’s wheel) by hands (“hath”). Gola is a common surnames among Kumhars in Madhya Pradesh
    Kumhars of Pakistan
    A huge population of Kumhars settled in Pakistan. They have two kinds 1: Muhajer and 2: Locals.Majority of Kumhars in Pakistan are Muslim. Muhajer Kumhars are migrate from India in 1947 after partition. They have many Gotars/Surnames and they are Hindi speaking like Haeyanvi Bangar(u) a sub-caste, found immigrants from Bangar Haryana, India. Some of the tribes are Punjabi speaking who have migrate from Indian Punjab. They are commonly called Rehmani. The title of Rehmani is adapted after partition by Muhajar Kumhars but Local Kumhars also adopted this title.Local Kumhars are ancient people of Punjab and Sindh and there is no concept of caste system in Blochistan and Kheber Pakhtonkha, where they are in majority (N.W.F.P).
    Present circumstances
    The Kumhars have almost shun their business but some kept it alive – there are Kumhars in the Indian continent that export their items around world. It is said that Kumhars have never their agricultural land but nowadays they have a lot of bought by them.
    The Kumhar maintain gotra exogamy and community endogamy. Their traditional occupation remains pottery, but many are farmers also. The community are Hindus of the Shaivite

    Kumhar Websites
    See also
    · Prajapati
    · Shorgir
    · Pottery
    · Potter
    · Prajapati Clans
    · Kadia Kumbhar
    · Vataliya Prajapati


  2. Dear, you are right on some points, but your knowledge is not absolute.
    Brahm or Verma means God caste. Lord Rama was also originated from Prajapati Manu family, first king of the whole world.

    You are right that in Vedic era there was no difference between Prajapati(Raja or Rajnaya) and Brahmins and even they made matrimonial alliances with each other and they were considered one. However, in later vedic era, the distinction between Brahmins and Prajapati(Rajnaya or Kshatriya) was come up and they were emerged as two different/distinct groups.

    The verna order in vedic era is given as under:

    1st No. ——–Prajapati or Rajnaya(now kshatriyas or Verma or Verman or Prajapati)
    2nd No.——Brahmins
    3rd No.———-Vaish
    4th No.———-Shudra or untouchables castes mentioned in Manusmirit who were not allowed to enter in Hindu swarna temples.

    The verna order in later vedic era is given as under:

    1st No. ——Brahmins
    2nd No.——Kshatriya or Rajnaya( Prajapati)
    3rd No.———-Vaish
    4th No.———-Shudra or untouchables castes mentioned in Manusmirit who were not allowed to enter in Hindu swarna temples.
    Now in later Vedic era Brahmans emerged on the Top.

    In Hinduism, Prajapati is a very big title, in vedas, Prajpati is called King or Raja or Rajaan.

    First King or Raja was Prajapati Vishnu, second king or Raja was Prajapati Brahma, third king or raja was Prajapati Shankar Bhagwan and there were other 26 Prajapaties or kings or Rajas in vedas i/c Daksh Prajapati and Prajapati Manu. It was also mentioned in Shashtra, that from Prajpati Brahma, the Suryavansha, Chanravansha and Agnivansha of Kshatriyas was originated.

    Therefore, we kumhars prajapati are from the family or decedents of Prajapati Vishnu(Brahm), Prajapati Brahma, Prajapati Mahesh(Brahm), Prajapati Manu and other 26 Prajapaties.Moreover, in hindu ritual system kumhars are from the Kshatriya origin. In South India Kumbhar are Right hand Superior caste alongwith traders and Royal castes and they used to take proudly the Kumbhar surname with their name.

    Both the king’s suite and the army were naturally recruited from among this caste but not every kshatriya exercised a military calling. Many kshatriya were authorised to take up a craft or trade rather than gaining their living as professional warriors”.
    Therefore, Kumhar Prajapties are those kshatiryas or Rajnaya who were authorized to take up pottery(a holy craft) or trade rather than gaining their living as professional warriors.

    Verma or Kshatriya castes: Mian Kanwar Rajput, Rajputs,Jaat, Chhattri, Kumhar or Kumbhar prajapati(raje), Sunar(North India), Kurmi, Bunt, Velaar, nair etc.


  3. All these type of false rumours are prevalent in the society from last 2-3 decades with wrong interpretation of the facts by prajapatis (Kumhars) just to merge in the Kumawat Kshatriya community. One reason I can think of these attempts is to get some political mileage…thats all. But both the communities are totally different from each other and most of the Kumawat families still avoid marrying in Prajapati community.


    1. Kumawat community is not a different community. In last few decades some people of kumhar community from rajasthan are trying to do this to differentiate with other kumhars.
      But situation become typical in other states where kumhars migrated from rajasthan forget their predecessors and claim to be successors of rajputs.

      They dont want to be called kumhar specially in that state where kumhars and other obc castes like suthar barbar are in SC category.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I want to request very humbly to my blogger friend and the participants of this topic to just go and ask the genealogy pandits in haridwar having centuries old authentic Hindu family tree records (Even honourable Supreme Court of India consider their records as fact) of your roots to know the truth which clearly states that both the castes Matheda Kumhars (Prajapatis) and Karigars (Kumawats) were never same(I have already confirmed). I guess you all will get enlightened with the answer you seek about the lineage of both communities and I hope the blogger friend will soon delete this blog with wrong facts after knowing the truth and stop misleading the facts to hurt any community’s feelings for any of the personal/mass purpose. I respect & love every community of India including Kumawat & Prajapati but can’t stand the fake facts manipulating any community’s history in any ways.
        Best of luck to all & be proud of your respective roots whether Prajapati/Kumawat.


      2. In the early sixteenth century, Duarte Barbosa, the Portuguese traveller, visited South India, stayed in the Malabar Coast (Western Coast). He left innumerable accounts of the caste system in the region.

        Further, he listed eighteen caste groups, divided into three sections.
        First was the higher caste in which Brahmins, Nayars (Nairs), Vyapari or Ravari, Kusavan (pot maker), Vannathamar and Chaliyan belonged.

        The second was the lower caste in which Tiyan, Mannan, Kaniyan or Kanisan, Asari, Mukayar or Mukavar, Mukkuvan, Vettuvan, Panan, Eravallen, Tulayan, and Parayan constituted.

        The third was immigrant castes or
        foreign castes in which belonged Chetty, Gujarati Banyan, Mappilla and Pardesi or
        “foreign Muhammadan”. 24


  4. Saurabh , you are neither from kumhar community nor from kumawat —what is your problem. I am kumhar and kshtriya in hindu ritual system.
    History is absolutely wrong and not based on facts. Dear Saurabh, I am not caste believer, but we don’t want your instructions.


    1. Mr. Raj for your knowledge, I’m a Kumawat Kshatriya and have every right to defend the facts about my caste & community. Its your problem if you don’t like my comments but still what I said is true and I’ll continue to do so till these type of rumours exists on the internet.


    2. History can be wrong but how can your genealogy data be wrong. I guess you have confirmed it from the pandits and found that this blog is based on wrong facts, so you want me to not participate just to defend it…shameful act of manipulation. I wish you feel happy with your roots/genes some day…god bless!


    3. And by the way, genealogy pandits in haridwar maintains the records with our caste & gotras provided by our own ancestors (Not history manipulators or outsiders) at the time of ‘Asthi Visarjan’ after the death of any family member from centuries and that’s why even the Honourable Supreme Court of Indian Union regards them as facts. Now stop playing with any community’s feelings and again requesting very humbly to the blogger for deletion of this blog…


      1. Dear Saurabh , Kumhars are Kshatriyas in Hindu Ritual System, in Hinduism.

        The verna of any caste is/was determined by Hindu ritual system, not on genealogy Pandits.
        Tell me the citations of the Supreme Court who followed genealogy Pandits.
        If I tell genealogy Pandits that I am a Brahmin, they will write me or my Kula, a Brahmin. However, this is not a fact.

        However, Hindu ritual system is the centuries old rituals which determined the Verna of any caste.

        The Kula Prohitas who used to perform rituals from centuries like Upanyana, Mundan, Karna Veda, Marriage cermonies, Patha, Gayatri, death rituals etc, etc, , followed Hindu Ritual system and in Hindu ritual system Kumhars are Kshatriyas. This is a real fact.


  5. Kumhars are general-cum-obc in India(except.4% who are either sc koli caste and not original kumhar/Prajapati community). Dear brother Prajapati and Kumawat, correct your figure, Kumhar (Bhumi work holy work who work on holy chalk) named caste is not SC in any state of India.

    There are two types of potters one who worked on holy chalk, they are pure kumhar Prajapaties and
    second, who have different technieques to make pots and are not allowed to work on holy chak, they are sc koli potters.

    In South India Kumbhars are right hand superior caste and whereas Carpentar, Sunar, Lohar, Stone cutter etc. are Left hand caste and there is day, night differences between right hand and left hand castes.


  6. According to some accounts, the great Chera, Chola and Pandaya(Kingdoms having verma(Brahm) or verman common surnames) were the three sons of Kulala/Kusavan. In Hindu ceremonially potters were like Velalars, a Royal Caste of South. The Kummars were divided between three Sections Chera, Chola and Pandaya. There titles are Wodeyar or Udaiyar or Velan etc. However, Kumbhar are right hand superior caste in South India and ritually like Royal Vellalars .Kummara castes of Madras State in Kelkar Committee report 1951-55 was listed as Kshatriya(warrior) castes


  7. Dear Mr. Raj, hindu ritual system has evolved from ages and now become a mixture of local beliefs and traditions of the particular region. Followed by many castes and it gets influenced now and then by other castes, traditions & beliefs.
    I guess you have never been to your family’s Bahi Panda in haridwar thats why you don’t have any clue that they matches your data with your ancestors, gotras, family members, marriages, extended fmilies, births, deaths, village, region & castes, so no one can lie or declare his/her caste as some other. If it’s possible you could have become a brahmin in no time…lol.
    Well, only that’s why I earlier requested everyone to first go and consult them for whatever doubts you have about your lineage. Hope you will now.

    Giving a link for your reference to know a little about hindu genealogy registers-


  8. You can check the refrences in the Wikipedia for more and do read this line very carefully-
    In several cases, these voluminous records or Vahis (Bahi), have also been used in settling legal cases regarding inheritance or property disputes, as these records are held sacrosanct both by the pilgrims and the Pandas themselves.


  9. Dear Saurabh,

    Dear read Manusmiriti and status of Left Hand Castes from which you belongs, you have many problems with Kumhar/Kumbhar community I know.

    You think Brahmanical/Hindu ritual system which is thousands years old i.e wrong and you are right.

    Kumbars, the caste of potters in Dakshina Kannada are called
    Kulals The word ‘Kumbhar’ is denved from the Sanskrit word
    ‘Kumbhakara’ meaning ‘the pot maker’ Thurston (1975) m his “Castes and
    Tribes m Southern India” writes, “The social position of Kulals is superior
    to that of Sudras In olden days, the Kumbars were the cooks under
    ancient kings.


  10. Dear Mr. Raj, by the way this blog is not about hindu ritual system and manusmriti. Its about Kumawats and only because of that I’m participating.
    Please don’t take it wrong way as I don’t have any issues with any cast or religion but I’m only defending what I know is fact.
    And I feel the same for you that you thinks only you have all the knowledge about our roots and everyone else in the world including authentic ages old records are fake.


  11. Dear, Saurabh, it might be fake, but authentic Brahmanical/Hindu ritual system which is thousands ages old never be wrong which determined the verna of any caste.


  12. Dear Mr. Raj, I have read a bit of manusmriti but how can we consider that as a proof, when it could also be tempered in centuries? There are even more than 9-10 versions of our holy ramayan exists.
    So, I believe in what I can prove not what stories tell and also know that even manusmriti doesn’t says that Kumawats and Prajapatis were same.


  13. प्रजापति का अर्थ क्षत्रिय है
    राजा राजनयो Ratt प्रजापति:क्षत्रियो


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